So, we have been back in Taiwan since August 7th (my birthday). I spent nearly the entire day in bed, oh how I love jet lag (NOT). We had a very nice time in the US. It was like we never left! Although I am sure Target's bottom line had an inkling we were gone for a bit (Emma made sure to correct that). We spent time with friends and family, spent a week at a lake home, and flew to Texas for a few days. And we shopped and shopped and shopped..........I have been shopped out! August 20th, the girls started their first day back at the Taipei American School. The girls are trying to adjust to the reality of homework again, a harsh reality! Taipei is HOT and STEAMY, perfect weather for absolutely nothing but hunkering down inside by the AC. Outside the windows, all I hear is the cicadas. It is like listening to constant automatic sprinklers in your ear......strange creatures. And now, we have not 1, not 2, but possibly 3 typhoons headed our way. If this was the US, I would have constant 24 hour news telling me what is going on. If this was the Gulf coast, we would be evacuating. As it is, there is really no place to go. My local friends and I are trying to read some cryptic websites to get storm info, problem is, we are not meteorologists. So as it stands, I am a bit freaked out by the possibility of 3 storms coming within the next week. Aside from the weather news, I am just trying to reestablish friendships and get back into routines. I have put off my Mandarin lessons for the 3rd time, if not more. I feel so guilty, but I have more important things to do.....this time, my excuse is taking yoga with a few friends (definitely more important!). I may not know how to ask for the nearest bathroom or I might drive the wrong way down a one way street, but I will be limber. Last weekend, we went to an art exhibit. This was an exhibit that CNN said was one of the top 10 shows of 2011. This gentleman uses Legos as his medium, I was intrigued. Halfway through the exhibit, I decided I had enough of fighting the crowds and elbowing my way in, and pushing Lily up throughout he crowd so she could see. If you have been to the Mall of America and have seen the huge Lego structures at Lego World, you have seen something more exciting than this show. It was a bit of a let down. CNN, you steered me wrong. We also saw a Barbie exhibit. It was fun to see all the Barbies from the 50's to the 90's. I think most of the Barbies on display were from the 70's and 80's. I got a kick out of seeing the Barbie styling head that I had as a kid, I loved that head!
Local girls use eye tape to create eye lid folds, to look more European. |
Its good to know where the local gun shop is, just in case. |
This is our mailman. The motorcycle and uniform are standard mail delivery attire. |
Emma, her friend Shannon, and Lily making pottery on a wheel. |
Yum! Waffles with honey, chocolate and........TUNA? |
Direct and to the point. |
My new car, its so cute! It is a Nissan Tiida, I think they are called Versa in the U.S. Easy to maneuver in small alleys. |
Introducing the new ex-pat Barbie! |
Ex-pat Skipper! |
Ex-pat Ken! |
And last, but not least, ex-pat Chelsea! |
Oh Barbie, I missed you! |
Lily and Emma on their first day of school. |
I can't believe it has taken me this long to cyber-stalk you! I love hearing what y'all are up to. I wish I could just send you big Whole Foods care packages all in English! I love those silly girls. Tell Emma I too have an obsession with office supplies. I thought that was just an odd quirk I had, but apparently there are others in the world who share my supply love. I just loved Ms. Lillkins post on the tower. I could hear her talking about all her gymnastics moves as she dances around listing them off. I sent you a link to Jackson's baby photos. I had a few people say they never got it, so let me know and I will re-send if you didn't. He is already 2.5 months old. I miss y'all. Give the fam a hug for me. Enjoy the beautiful hikes and hang in there during your grocery excursions. The things we take for granted huh? Black chicken...head attached...NO label reading!!! I love to label read. That's half the fun of shopping.